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On Time Off Time 
岩崎宏俊 Hirotoshi Iwasaki
9min 2020 Japan



A lesson in mystery and interpretation. The juxtaposed movements resonate with each other, convulsing in the gap between division and continuity.

1981年生まれ。2019年 東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科先端芸術表現領域博士後期課程を修了。博士(美術)。ロトスコープという実写映像をベースにアニメーションを制作する方法に着目。その混淆する運動性や記憶と創造による非完結性の探求を続けている。美術や映画の領域を越境して作品発表を行う他、コミッションワークも手がけている。2024年 shiseido art egg展にて個展を開催予定。

Born in Japan in 1981. Hirotoshi Iwasaki is an artist using experimental animation, graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts with Doctor’s degree in Fine Arts 2019. His research theme is about the co-presence of movements of rotoscoping, and also memory and creation through tracing.



三重渡 Trinity
王沫文 Mowen Wang
19min 2020 China


カメラを片手に6年前に離別した母の居所を尋ね歩く作者は、ある一人 の占い師のもとに辿り着く 母の不在と対峙する娘の個人的な心 情を投影しながら、 現代中国に生きる核家族の硬直した関係性とその雪 解けの瞬間を繊細に映し出す。虚構と現実、並行する世界を軽やかに行 き来する、創造性に満ちた意欲作。

Paying a visit to the neighborhood of her mother who had passed away six years before, the filmmaker is walking with a camera in one hand when she comes upon a certain fortune-teller. While displaying the personal feelings of a daughter facing the absence of her mother, the work also delicately illustrates the rigid relationships of a nuclear family living in contemporary China and the moment they thaw. A passionate work full of creativity that lightly moves back and forth between parallel worlds of fiction and reality.

大連市出身のビデオアーティスト。最近は北京に在住し制作活動を 行っている。映像のドキュメンタリー的側面に関心があり、制作方法は 主に自身の実体験を基としている。それらはドキュメンタリーとビデオの 映像言語とのコンビネーションによって作られる独特の世界観を反映 しており、作品では現実と非現実の間を行き来することのできる表現 を検索している。 「三位一体」は第三回北京国際短編映画祭"HALO" 部門 Cine Cina Film Festival2020に招待作品として選ばれた。

Wang Mowen, a video artist who was born and raised in Dalian, currently working and living in Beijing. With an interest in the documentary nature of images, her art practices are mostly based on her own experiences, reflecting her unique subjective world with a combination of documentary and experimental video language. Her artworks focus on exploring the interchangeable expression between reality and non-reality, Mowen's Trinity was selected to participate in the "HALO" section of the 3rd Beijing International Short Fim Festival, and GineCina Fim Festival in 2020

I'm Late 
冠木佐和子 Sawako Kabuki
11min 2021 France=Japan​​

Have you or your partner ever had an experience where you missed your period or been “late”?

冠木佐和子は1990年東京都生まれのアニメーション映画監督。 日本のAV製作会社で助監督を務めた後、多摩美術大学グラフィックデザイン学科に入学し、2016年に卒業。 現在は主に、自身と個人クライアント(特にMTV)のために、ちょっとエッチなアニメーション映画の制作を行っている。彼女の作品は20以上の賞を受賞し、20カ国以上の数多くの国際映画祭に入選している。最新作『夏のゲロは冬の肴』(2016年)は、日本の学生映画として初めてアヌシーで賞を獲得した。

Sawako Kabuki is an animated film director, born in 1990 in Tokyo, Japan.
After working as an assistant director in a Japanese porn video company, she joined the graphic design department of Tama Art University from which she graduated in 2016.
She is now mainly involved in the production of slightly erotic animation films, for herself and for private clients (MTV in particular). Her films have won more than 20 awards and have been selected in numerous international festivals in more than 20 countries.
Her latest film, Summer's Puke is Winter's Delight (2016) was the first Japanese student film to win an award at Annecy.

If You See Something That Doesn’t Look Right
黄嘉祺 Ka Ki Wong
5min 2023 UK



Two girls from two different worlds - they meet in the underground and try to heal their wounds, both physically and mentally, via their fantasies towards one another.
Enter a dreamscape journey about belongingness - “where are we” and identity - “who we are”. It tells a universal story of feeling misplaced and confused when entering an unfamiliar yet recognisable environment, and how identity, be that gender, ethnicity, or more, should be fluid in order for one to seek their true self.


Born in Hong Kong, Ka Ki moved to the UK in 2014 and graduated from the London Film School - MA in Filmmaking in March 2018 and had since been working as an independent filmmaker in London. Her works have been showcased in various film festivals and platforms, including Locarno Film Festival, Underwire Film Festival, Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival, and Nowness. She has also been commissioned by organisations such as Channel 4 Random Acts, Pulse Films, Institute of Contemporary Arts, and Mahogany Sessions. Ka Ki is also a Berlinale Talents, Golden Horse Film Academy and Locarno Filmmakers Academy alumni and a BAFTA Connect member.
Her films are mainly about strange human relationships and fantasies, featuring female characters and stories. She hoped her films can lead to more discussions on female issues and can even attract more females to join the film industry to speak out their voices.
She is currently working towards her debut feature film, Fire Room. Fire Room has participated in Film London Production Finance Market, Berlinale Talents Script Station, Far East Udine Focus Asia All Genres Project Market, Sputnik Screenwriters Residency and 18th Hong Kong Asia Film Financing Forum.

柳彩晶 Chae Yu
38min 2021 South Korea



Zoea : A larval form of crabs, next stage from the egg.
A young woman
arrives at a fish farm through a broker, and news reports about a mysterious boat found near the coastal area of Taean, South Chungcheong. Yun-soo and Yeon-gyo’s mundane routine continues as they clean the water tanks.

チェ・ユー(1996年、韓国出身)は、デジタルシネマや映画で音と映像の実験を行っており、記憶の非時系列的な秩序を再構築することに関心を寄せている。最近、ウィスコンシン州ミルウォーキーに移り住み、映画制作を行っている。彼女の作品は、シアターイメージフォーラム、ソウル独立映画祭、EXiS、AAMP(Asian Artist Moving Image Platform)、ニューヨークなどで上映されている。

Chae Yu (1996, South Korea) experiments with sound and images in digital cinema and film, interested in reimagining memories in their non-chronological sense of order. She recently moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where she continues her filmmaking practice. Her films have been presented at Image Forum Tokyo, SIFF Seoul, EXiS, AAMP(Asian Artist Moving Image Platform), New York, among others.

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